Jan 3, 2010

Stop Paper Junk Mail

If you are concerned about lowering the amount of waste you are responsible for, you may want to think about the amount of junk mail that is sent to you on an annual basis. People have signed up in record numbers for the "No Calls" list to get phone salespeople out of their evening meals, and now there is a growing movement to stop junk mail from wasting our resources.

Here is an announcement from an organization called Zero Waste Seattle.

Take quick action to put a stop to wasteful junk mail

The deluge of junk mail in our mailboxes every day is not just annoying. It's also a subsidy to advertisers and logging companies. Seattle ratepayers are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars more in our trash bills to dispose of those industries' waste. Not to mention the 200,000 trees cut down each year just for Seattle for paper nobody wants.

Zero Waste Seattle and ForestEthics think we should have the choice to not contribute to this problem. A Do Not Mail registry–just like the existing do not call registry– could be set up by government to give use an opt-out choice.

In fact, the Seattle City Council will vote on January 11th on a resolution calling on the state to do just that. They are facing opposition from the junk mail industry and need to hear that you support a Do Not Mail registry. Please call or email these Council members today:

Councilmember Sally Clark: (206) 684-8802, sally.clark@seattle.gov

Councilmember Tom Rasmussen: (206) 684-8808, tom.rasmussen@seattle.gov

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw: (206) 684-8801, sally.bagshaw@seattle.gov

Speaking at the Council hearing on this issue is also a great way to show your support. It will be January 11th, 2:00 PM at City Hall, 600 4th Ave. 2nd floor. Please join us!

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