Sep 1, 2011

ONE The Event: Shifting from Fear to Love 9/11/11

"In honoring our past, we know that collaboration is imperative for a peaceful and prosperous future."

Number of hijackers: 19. Number of planes hijacked and crashed: 4. Number of towers which collapsed: 2. Total number of people killed in the attacks on 9/11- 2,819. Number of firefighters and paramedics killed: 343. Number of nations who had citizens killed in the attack: 115.

The numbers can go on and on. And this year, there is one more number. Number of years since the most infamous terrorist attacks on America: 10.

“No problem can be solved from the level of thinking that created it.” –Albert Einstein

Seattle is using this anniversary to respond with a global collaborative effort to shift from fear to love. It is more than just a remembrance, a celebration, a mourning of the lives lost in the attack. It is a movement.

It will culminate in a global synchronized movement of love at 3:46 PM on 9-11-11 to “harness our collective intention to shift to love-based, collaborative solutions that will end the age of fear and isolation”.

Here are ways that you can help:

Pledge your intention for love at

Help promote the event, like we are!

Join! Either on the ground at the event in Seattle, by satellite or webcast, or simply in your heart!

View the event information including schedule and events here:

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